Women’s views on autologous cell-based therapy for post-obstetric incontinence

Written by Regenerative Medicine

Open Access Research Article surveying parous women’s thoughts on potential autologous cell-based therapies for fecal and urinary incontinence that arises due to pelvic diaphragm tearing during vaginal childbirth, by Bernice Wright, Richard Day et al. from University College Hospital (UK). Fecal incontinence and stress urinary incontinence are distressing and life-limiting conditions that can affect women after childbirth, caused by pelvic diaphragm muscles, nerves or connective tissues being torn during vaginal childbirth. Therapeutic strategies to address these symptoms are generally not curative; however, recent preclinical and early-stage clinical studies suggest that autologous cell-based therapies could help repair the damage associated with...

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