Copper3D Inc. participate in initiative to combat 17 challenges of humanity

Written by Georgi Makin

Copper3D Inc. (CL, USA) has announced their involvement in a summit to combat the 17 challenges of humanity, as declared by the United Nations for 2030. The summit has been organized by Unreasonable Group, United Nations and US Department of State.

Copper3D Inc. (CL, USA) has been invited to participate in a summit (7–17 November 2018; CT, USA) organized by Unreasonable Group, United Nations and US Department of State.

As additive manufacturing continues to break into and develop technologies in a variety of different industries including healthcare, novel applications in the medical industry may be able to advance research and development with one or a few of the 17 goals to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice and tackle climate change by 2013 [1].

In the case for challenging antimicrobial resistance, antibacterial or antimicrobial materials could be printed to reduce bacterial contamination of 3D printed medical devices due to the direct contact with patients, porosity of the materials and the complex geometries of these devices.

The consequences of contamination in these cases can range from uncomfortable skin infections to even death in the case of contamination from aggressive bacteria.

To combat this issue, Copper3D Inc. have been working in the printing of antibacterial materials for medical devices. By being invited to participate in the summit, Copper3D Inc. joined 16 other innovative startups to discuss where they are contributing disruptive solutions to the 17 challenges and contributed to conversations had with the United Nations and US State Department.

Representatives from Johnson & Johnson (NJ, USA), Barclays (London, UK), Nike (OR, USA), and Amazon Web Services (WA, USA) were also in attendance.

Copper3D Inc. claim that they are committing to working punctually on the health challenges and well-being over the next year, focusing on innovative approaches to treating or preventing infections.

Daniel Martínez, Director of Innovation (Copper3D Inc.) commented: “For us as a team, the truth is that this invitation was a surprise. It is also an honor that they have focused on what we are doing to collaborate in important summit and it is also a great responsibility since the topics that are discussed in this type of meetings will literally impact the world.

I also think that it is an acknowledgment to the entire 3D printing industry as its potential is recognized as a technology that can change the world for the better. All this makes us very happy and we hope to be good ambassadors of our country and the industry of additive manufacturing “.

Source: Copper3D Inc. press release [opens PDF]

