In Focus: Cryogenic containment for cell and gene therapies

The complex manufacturing processes of cell and gene therapies often require extremely low temperatures. This requires cryogenic containers, which allow for the storage and transportation of such products while preserving their integrity. Several challenges are present with the current array of cryogenic containers, but new options are evolving that will allow these to be traversed. 

This In Focus feature explores challenges associated with the cryogenic storage of cell and gene therapies and examines the shifting landscape of cryogenic storage options for the industry.   


The development and evolution of final containers for cell and gene therapies

How have final containers for cell and gene therapies developed and evolved? View this infographic to see how the requirements of cell and gene therapies, such as metabolic sensitivity to environmental conditions and risks of contaminants, influence the suitability of final containers. Plus, see how these requirements have impacted the arrival of industry-specific final containers.


The shifting design principles of final containers: an interview with Sean Werner

Sean Werner discusses how the evolution of cryogenic containers has routinely overcome challenges and encountered new ones. He discusses the culmination in cell and gene therapy-specific final containers and how the difference between autologous and allogeneic therapies alters design principles for forthcoming containers.  

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