How can we ensure downstream success in cell and gene therapy

When scaling your cell therapy up and out, it’s important to consider several factors from the very start of your research and development journey, to ensure later downstream success. Investing in high-quality ancillary products from trusted suppliers early on in your development process will save you the expensive cost of conversion later down the line.

How and where should I source reagents to ensure consistent and safe final products? View this infographic, produced in association with Sexton Biotechnologies (now part of BioLife Solutions, WA, USA), to discover more about the factors that must be considered and incorporated from the very start of your cell therapy journey.

This infographic is part of the RegMedNet In Focus on reagent consistency. Discover expert opinions on this topic by visiting our feature homepage.

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Illustrated by Tobias Dumbraveanu (Future Science Group, London, UK).