Peek behind the paper: 3D printing liquid crystal elastomers to mimic biological tissues

Written by Christopher Yakacki

CREDIT: University of Colorado Denver

In this 'Peek behind the paper' interview, 3DMedNet and Christopher Yakacki, Mechanical Engineer Professor (University of Colorado Denver, CO, USA) take a closer look at the use of 3D-printed liquid crystal elastomers to mimic cartilage and other biological tissues. Christopher Yakacki and his team from University of Colorado Denver (CO, USA) have been the first to use 3D-printed liquid crystal elastomers - soft, elastic, multifunctional materials known for their ability to dissipate high levels of energy - to mimic biological tissues like cartilage, for example. >> Read the full story In this exclusive interview, 3DMedNet learns more from Yakacki about...

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