In situ 3D bioprinting of musculoskeletal tissues in orthopedic surgery

Written by Olivia Seifert, Editor

Maddox Blevins K, Danilkowicz RM, Fletcher AN, Allen NB, Johnson LG, SB Adams. Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine, 6(1) (ePub ahead of print) (2022) Keywords: 3D bioprinting • in situ bioprinting • in vivo bioprinting • orthopedic surgery • reconstructive surgery • tissue engineering Annually, millions of Americans require some form of reconstructive surgery as a result of traumatic injury, degenerative process or pathologic state. In the field of orthopedic surgery, the gold standard for augmenting bone, cartilage and soft tissue defects has been the application of grafts, prostheses and soft tissue flaps. Recently there have been great advances within the field of tissue engineering, including the development of 3D bioprinting technology. This technology utilizes biomaterials and cells...

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